Richard J. DeCapua, EdD
Finance & Operations Specialist
Rich DeCapua has a proven track record in finance and operations. His doctoral work and research centers of financial models and policy development in higher education. He has taken his scholarly interest to the classroom where he has taught graduate level Higher Education Finance courses at higher education programs across New England. Currently serving as Senior Associate Dean at Tufts University where he is responsible for the oversight of the entire division of student affairs budget and operations, exceeting 8 million dollars annually, Rich has more than 20 years of experience in higher education administration including work in Residence Life, Student Conduct, Orientation, Title IX and other complex functional areas. Prior to his current position, Rich has worked in c-suite level corporate roles, and at the campuses of Boston College, Brandeis University and Wesleyan University and has extensive knowledge regarding system changes, organizational restructuring and maximizing efficiencies in student affairs and higher education. He earned his Ed.D. from Johnson & Whales University in Rhode Island, his M.Ed. from Springfield College (MA), and his BA from Quinnipiac University (CT).